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Repossession doesn’t happen overnight. Before getting to the point of losing your home, there is a series of processes that give you time to take quick action.

Regardless of what stage you’re in before actual repossession - even if you’ve gone as far as having received an eviction notice - don’t give up! Keep in mind that your lender’s main priority will be to get their money back, even if it means selling your house for much less than it is worth. And if it sells for less than you owe the bank, you will still be in debt for the balance.

That is why we advise you not to give up the fight. There’s still hope. Call us immediately and we can work out a way to stop proceedings.

Repossession is a very sensitive and complicated matter. We encourage you to do further reading and consult with independent sources to make sure that you are aware of all the information, resources and options available to you.

Find out more about our tailor-made solution to stop your house repossession, simply fill in our quick contact form or call us on our 24/7 freephone number 0800 092 0406.